Electronic recycling is quickly damaging the environment without letting the citizens know. The growth of economies has already damaged more than 50% of the total balanced ecosystem. The sad part of the whole story is that almost everyone is contributing to this continues damage. The manufacturing companies are also not countering the disadvantages. They are working with the only goal of increasing sales continuously. To achieve more profits, the manufacturing companies are producing non-repairable devices. Also, with the upgrade in technology, the users have to change the devices instead of upgrading the configuration. Because of this, natural resources are being used on a very large scale. However, the problem of data leakage continuously reminds the importance of hard drive destruction and local electronic waste recycling.

All the major local electronics recycling companies are extensively recycling electronic devices. However, the only problem they’re facing is a lack of knowledge. People don’t care about their electronic devices too much. Even if the mobile phones are lost, no one actually cares a lot about them. Also, as per the last few incidents of data breaches, people are knowing about the dark side of the internet i.e. dark web. Corporate houses avail corporate electronic recycling services timely to secure the data of their clients. They know how data breaches can permanently damage their business. Now let’s check the reasons behind the increasing threat of electronic devices:
Continuously reducing size: To make the electronic devices handier, manufacturing companies are decreasing the sizes of electronic gadgets. For example, when the first time computer was built, it took space compared to multiple rooms. Now, a computer doesn’t take much space while the laptops are equal to the size of school books. Similarly, mobile phones are now lesser than the size of a hand. Well, the problem is not growth. Smaller devices are not easily recycled. It is very difficult to separate the components with even magnetic separation.
Lack of upgrades: Nowadays, when a new technology is invented, people start scrapping old devices. For example, when the 5G rolled out, mobile manufacturing companies started selling them and everyone started purchasing them. No one even asked that if the old devices can be upgraded. Similarly, when new models of mobile phones are rolled out, manufacturing companies stop the updates for old operating systems. However, people are given the option to upgrade to the new Operating systems but the infrastructure is not supportive. For example, RAM and motherboard are installed as per the old Operating system. Thus, instead of asking for a replacement for parts, everyone enjoys brand new electronic devices.
This problem discussed above can only be solved by manufacturing companies. The federal government should involve but the officials also have expectations of high sales because they’ve to run the economy.
Lack of awareness: Citizens are not aware of how the environment is being damaged. Till the time they’ve food, water and jobs, they’re okay with the conditions. Only environmentalists talk about these things. It is important to spread the side-effects of not recycling electronic devices until it’s too late.